Benchmark analyses of criticality calculation codes based on the evaluated dissolver-type criticality experiment systems
奥野 浩
; 高田 友幸; 吉山 弘; 三好 慶典
Okuno, Hiroshi; Takada, Tomoyuki; Yoshiyama, Hiroshi; Miyoshi, Yoshinori
燃料棒配列が燃料溶液中に存在するいわゆる溶解槽模擬体系に対し、現在、日本で臨界安全評価に使用されている典型的な臨界計算コードMCNP, MVP, SCALE, JACSを対象にベンチマーク解析を行った。ベンチマーク解析には、国際臨界安全ベンチマーク評価プロジェクト(ICSBEP)ハンドブックに記載されている日本原子力研究所の低濃縮ウラン非均質炉心の1評価5臨界点の臨界実験体系及び米国バッテル・パシフィック・ノースウェスト研究所のウラン・プルトニウム混合系非均質炉心の2評価16臨界点の臨界実験体系を用いた。解析の結果、中性子増倍率の最低値は、MCNP, MVP, SCALE, JACSそれぞれに対して0.993, 0.990, 0.993, 0.972となり、最大許容増倍率0.95を2%から4%上回った。
Criticality calculation codes/code systems MCNP, MVP, SCALE and JACS, which are currently typically used in Japan for nuclear criticality safety evaluation, were benchmarked for so called dissolver-typed systems, i.e., fuel rod arrays immersed in fuel solution. The benchmark analyses were made for the evaluated critical experiments published in the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) Handbook: one evaluation representing five critical configurations from heterogeneous core of low-enriched uranium dioxides at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute and two evaluations representing 16 critical configurations from heterogeneous core of mixed uranium and plutonium dioxides (MOXs) at the Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories of the U.S.A.. The results of the analyses showed that the minimum values of the neutron multiplication factor obtained with MCNP, MVP, SCALE and JACS were 0.993, 0.990, 0.993, 0.972, respectively, which values are from 2% to 4% larger than the maximum permissible multiplication factor of 0.95.