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Surface chemical reaction dynamics illuminated by high brilliance and high energy-resolution synchrotron radiation; In-situ photoemission spectroscopy for surface oxidation induced by supersonic O$$_{2}$$ molecular beams

Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Moritani, Kosuke; Takakuwa, Yuji*; Ogawa, Shuichi*; Ishizuka, Shinji*; Okada, Michio*; Fukuyama, Tetsuya*; Kasai, Toshio*

Representative research results in surface reaction dynamics, performed at a surface chemistry experimental station installed in the JAEA soft X-ray beamline in the SPring-8, were reviewed. As a research result in JAEA, SiO desorption mechanisms in the Si(001) oxidation at high temperature were introduced. As a collaboration with Osaka University on oxidation reaction dynamics of Cu, collision-induced atom absorption process was introduced. As a collaboration with Tohoku University on Ti(0001) oxidation reaction dynamics, it was introduced that two peaks, found in an incident energy dependence of initial sticking probability, were corresponding to potential energy barriers of dissociative adsorption of O$$_{2}$$ molecules.



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