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Report No.

Observation of coherent bicoherence and biphase in potential fluctuations around geodesic acoustic mode frequency on JFT-2M

Nagashima, Yoshihiko*; Ito, Kimitaka*; Ito, Sanae*; Hoshino, Katsumichi; Fujisawa, Akihide*; Ejiri, Akira*; Takase, Yuichi*; Yagi, Masatoshi*; Shinohara, Koji; Uehara, Kazuya; Kusama, Yoshinori; JFT-2M Group

A bispector analysis and envelope moduration analysis of the potential oscillations of a low frequency (1kHz) oscillation, a high frequency (10-15kHz) oscillation and background turbulence are presented. The low frequency mode and the high frequency mode are considered to be a low frequency zonal flow and a geodesic acoustic mode respectively. We could found that the low frequency oscillation has a three wave interaction with the background turbulence as well as the high frequency oscillation does from the bicoherence (nonlinear coupling coefficient), biphase and envelope moduration relation. Apparently, the modulation of the high frequency mode by the low frequency mode was suggested, but it was found that the bicoherence between them is small and the modulation relation was not concluded. Therefore, it is concluded that the nonlinear interaction between the zonal flow - zonal flow system does not exist or the interaction of them is linear if any. Thus it was found that the marked nonlinear interaction occurs only in the turbulence - zonal flow system and not in the zonal flow - zonal flow system.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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