Radiation induced phase instability of precipitates in reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels
谷川 博康; 酒瀬川 英雄
; 荻原 寛之*; 岸本 弘立*; 香山 晃*
Tanigawa, Hiroyasu; Sakasegawa, Hideo; Ogiwara, Hiroyuki*; Kishimoto, Hirotatsu*; Koyama, Akira*
It was previously reported that reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels (RAFs), such as F82H-IEA and JLF-1, showed a variety of changes in its mechanical property after neutron irradiation at 573K up to 5dpa, and have possible correlation with precipitation. The effects of irradiation on precipitation were also reported previously. In this study, irradiation effects on precipitation were investigated in detail utilizing ion irradiation in which irradiation condition could be controlled with high accuracy. F82H IEA heat, JLF-1 HFIR heat, and aged F82H-IEA (873K
30k h) were used for experiments. The specimens were irradiated at DuET facility, Inst. of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University up to 10 dpa at 573K with 6.4MeV Fe
ion. Cross sectional TEM thin film specimens of ion irradiated region were made utilizing focused ion beam (FIB) processor with micro-sampling system at JAERI. These thin film specimens were made to contain both irradiated region and non-irradiated region beneath irradiated region. Size distribution and aspect ratio of precipitates were analyzed on each region. It turned out that the finer precipitates were dominant in irradiated region of F82H compared to that in non-irradiated region, but fewer and larger precipitates were dominant in irradiated region of JLF-1. These results confirmed the presence of irradiation effects on precipitate evolution even at 573K, which was observed in neutron irradiated RAFs.