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Report No.

Development of removal system for toxic metal from waste mid-gut glands of scallop processing with metal adsorbent synthesized by radiation-induced graft polymerization

Nakai, Hisaaki*; Temma, Tsuyoshi*; Tamada, Masao; Sawamura, Toshihiro*; Saito, Takayuki*; Homma, Tetsuo*; Sato, Yasushi*

Waste mid-gut glands of scallop processing was incinerate as industrial wastes since they contained toxic cadmium. However, mid-gut glands is valuable sources for proteins, a fatty substance, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Apparatus of cadmium removal from 20 kg mid-gut glands were assembled by combining the elution of cadmium with malic acid and the adsorption of cadmium with graft adsorbent. After the treatment of 15kg waste mid-gut glands for 24hours by the apparatus, the initial cadmium concentration of 25mg/kg was reduced to 1.0mg/kg.



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