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Report No.

Benchmark experiments of MOX fueled LMFBR using FCA-XVII-1 core

Ando, Masaki  ; Iijima, Susumu*; Oigawa, Hiroyuki ; Sakurai, Takeshi; Nemoto, Tatsuo*; Okajima, Shigeaki  ; Osugi, Toshitaka*; Ono, Akio; Hayasaka, Katsuhisa; Sodeyama, Hiroshi

As a part of research and development of an advanced fueled fast reactor, we carried out benchmark experiments in the FCA-XVII-1 core with MOX simulating fuel to obtain reference data to be compared with those measured in the FCA-XVI-1 and XVI-2 cores simulating metallic fueled FBR. Following nuclear characteristics were measured in the experiments: Criticality, reaction rate ratio, sample reactivity worth, sodium void reactivity effect and $$^{238}$$U Doppler effect. Extra measurements were performed in modified FCA-XVII-1 cores to obtain experimental data for various reactor types: (1) Measurement of sodium void reactivity effect in various plutonium isotope compositions, (2) Measurement of sodium void reactivity effect in a core where axial blanket was replaced with a sodium layer and (3) Measurement of various nuclear characteristics in a nitride fuel region. This report describes methods and results of the above experiments and method of analysis.



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