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Report No.

Neutronics calculations of HTTR with several nuclear data libraries

Goto, Minoru  ; Nojiri, Naoki ; Shimakawa, Satoshi

Benchmark calculations for several HTTR core conditions were performed with four cross-section sets which were generated from JENDL-3.3, JENDL-3.2, ENDF/B-6.8 and JEFF-3.0 using a continuous energy Monte Carlo code MVP. The core conditions were an annular form core at room temperature and a full core with cylindrical form at room temperature and at full power operation. Study of k$$_{eff}$$ discrepancies caused by difference of the nuclear data libraries and identification of nuclide which gives large effects on the k$$_{eff}$$ discrepancies were carried out. Comparison of the k$$_{eff}$$ between calculations and experiments was also carried out. As the results, for each HTTR core conditions, JENDL-3.3 gives the k$$_{eff}$$ agreement with the experiments within 1.5%$$Delta$$k, JENDL-3.2 gives the k$$_{eff}$$ agreement within 1.7%$$Delta$$k, and ENDF/B-6.8 and JEFF-3.0 give k$$_{eff}$$ agreement within 1.8%$$Delta$$k. There is little k$$_{eff}$$ discrepancy between ENDF/B-6.8 and JEFF-3.0. The $$k_{eff}$$ discrepancy between JENDL-3.3 and JENDL-3.2 is caused by difference of U-235 data and has temperature dependency. The k$$_{eff}$$ discrepancy between JENDL-3.3 and ENDF/B-6.8 or JEFF-3.0 is caused by difference of graphite data.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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