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Report No.

Thermal neutron spin-echo studies on dynamics of a glass-forming polymer in a high ${it Q}$ range

Kanaya, Toshiji*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa; Tsukushi, Itaru*; Inoue, Rintaro*; Watanabe, Hiroshi*; Nishi, Masakazu*; Nakajima, Kenji  ; Takemura, Kazuhiro*; Furuya, Hidemine*

We performed thermal neutron spin echo measurements on a glass-forming polymer, deuterated polybutadiene (-[CD$$_{2}$$-CD=CD-CD$$_{2}$$]$$_{n}$$-; PB-d$$_{6}$$), in a high ${it Q}$ range up to 3.5$AA $^{-1}$$ covering the first and second peaks of the structure factor S(${it Q}$), and evaluated the decay rate $$Gamma$$(${it Q}$) of the coherent intermediate scattering function as a function of ${it Q}$. In contrast to the previous experimental findings on the first peak of S(${it Q}$) at ${it Q}$ = 1.5$AA $^{-1}$$, no "de Gennes" type narrowing was observed on the second peak at ${it Q}$ = 2.9$AA $^{-1}$$. This novel finding indicates that the narrowing is hidden by the distinct motions of the soft -CD$$_{2}$$-CD$$_{2}$$- and =CD-CD$$_{2}$$- units and the self-motions of the rigid and soft units in the ${it Q}$ range around the second peak.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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