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 年 ~ 

Status of the ISOL-based radioactive ion beam facility at JAERI, Tokai


市川 進一

Ichikawa, Shinichi


In accordance with the JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute)-KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) collaborative research project, an ISOL-based radioactive ion beam facility, TRIAC (Tokai Radioactive Ion Accelerator Complex), has been constructed at JAERI, Tokai. This facility consists of an Isotope Separator On-line (JAERI-ISOL) connected to the JAERI tandem accelerator, a charge-breeding 18 GHz ECR (CB-ECRIS) and split-coaxial RFQ and interdigital-H type linacs. Radioactive singly-charged ions from the JAERI-ISOL are bred to A/q $$geq$$ 7 in the CB-ECRIS and then multi-charged ions are accelerated with the linac-complex from 2 keV/u to the energy between 0.1 to 1.1 MeV/u. So far, various kinds of neutron-rich radioactive nuclei produced in proton-induced fission of uranium have been ionized using the FEBIAD type ion source and mass-separated by the JAERI-ISOL. The charge-breeding efficiency of the CB-ECRIS was measured for stable Ar, Kr and Xe isotopes in a series of experiments. At March 2005, we successfully accelerated $$^{138}$$Xe produced in the proton-induced fission of uranium. The charge state of the accelerated $$^{138}$$Xe was 20+ bred in-flight by the CB-ECRIS and acceleration energy of 1.1 MeV/u was achieved. In this conference, we will report the status of the TRIAC facility including the performance of the ISOL ion-source and the CB-ECRIS system as well as the future plan of this facility.



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