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Report No.

A Rational identification of creep design area using negligible creep curve

Sukekawa, Masayuki*; Isobe, Nobuhiro*; Shibamoto, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Yoshihiko*; Kasahara, Naoto

For expansion of non-creep design area and simplification of design procedures, a rational identification method of creep design area by negligible creep (NC) curves was studied. NC curves of six kinds of stainless and ferrite steels for fast reactors were determined at 1.5Sm (Sm: design stress intensity). These NC curves are based on domestic material data. NC curves provide the relation between temperature and time that does not induce meaningful creep strain under the constant primary stress. As for 316FR steel, which is used for reactor vessel in Japanese fast reactor, non-creep design area is identified with comparing the highest temperature and 425C (constant upper limit for austenite stainless steal) by existing Japanese Guides. However, this temperature limit can be enhanced by NC curve concept when operating (thermal transient) time is long. NC curves under higher primary stress, and the curves under secondary stress were also studied. However, at the present stage, NC curves for stress level 1.5Sm were adopted to identify creep design area. The concept of NC curve was introduced into the interim FDS (fast reactor design standard for commercialized fast reactors in Japan) to simplify the creep design of fast reactor systems. Utilizing these curves, design becomes easier for components which are employed at comparatively lower temperature under normal condition and short holding time at high temperature.



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