Design study on a demonstration core for a practical LMFBR in Monju, 2
Saito, Kosuke; Maeda, Seiichiro
; Higuchi, Masashi*; Takano, Mitsuhiro*; Nakazawa, Hiroaki
Because of the revision on the standardized strength of the ODS steel, the previous design study of MONJU demonstrative core has been obliged to be reconsidered. For economical advantages, only a 127 pins-bundle core was selected to be redesigned. For the sake of cladding endurance, the ratio of cladding thickness to outer diameter was reset incrementally followed by the determination of the basic specification of a pin. Notwithstanding some deterioration thanks to the reduction of a fuel volume fraction, the prospect in neutronics was obtained. Coolant flow distribution design which was based on power distribution was successfully carried out without overheating cladding. Average burn-up of 150 GWd/t and 380 days-long operational period per cycle are to be attained, and the designed core can thermally afford to receive test fuels. The study has necessity to be advanced extensively for the purpose of materialization according to the circumstances of MONJU in future.