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Report No.

Beam dynamics of a 175 MHz RFQ for IFMIF project

Maebara, Sunao; Moriyama, Shinichi; Saigusa, Mikio*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi

International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is an accelerator-based neutron irradiation facility employing the D-Li stripping reaction, to produce the neutron field similar to the D-T Fusion reactor (2 MW/m$$^{2}$$, 20 dpa/year for Fe). The required beam current of 250 mA is realized by two beam lines of 125 mA, and the output energies at injector, RFQ and DTL were designed to be 0.1, 5 and 40 MeV, respectively. The operation frequency of 175 MHz was selected to accelerate the large current of 125 mA. After an intensive beam simulation, the RFQ with a total length of 12 m was designed to keep the minimum emittance growth with the RF injection power of 2.3 MW CW. For such a 12 m-long RFQ, two coupling plates are indispensable in order to suppress higher modes in a longitudinal direction at least. From beam dynamics point views, the transmission co-efficient has been evaluated by TOUTATIS code, and it is found that the transmission decay within 0.5% can be achieved by employing a gap width of less than 4 mm for a coupling plate design.



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