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Report No.

Small specimen test technology of fracture toughness in structural material F82H steel for fusion nuclear reactors

Wakai, Eiichi  ; Otsuka, Hideo; Matsukawa, Shingo*; Ando, Masami; Jitsukawa, Shiro

Small specimen test technology (SSTT) has been developed to investigate mechanical properties of nuclear materials. SSTT has been driven by limited availability of effective irradiation volumes in test reactors and accelerator-based neutron and charged particle sources, and it is very useful for the reduction of waste materials produced in nuclear engineering. In this study new bend test machines have been developed to obtain fracture behaviors of F82H steel for very small bend specimens of pre-cracked $$frac{t}{2}$$-$$frac{1}{3}$$CVN (Charpy V-notch) with 20 mm-length and DFMB (deformation and fracture mini bend specimen) with 9 mm-length and disk compact tension of 0.18DCT type, and fracture behaviors were examined to evaluate DBTT (ductile-brittle transition temperature) at temperatures from -180 to 250$$^{circ}$$C. The effect of specimen size on DBTT of F82H steel was also examined by using Charpy type specimens such as $$frac{t}{2}$$-CVN, $$frac{1}{3}$$CVN and $$frac{t}{2}$$-$$frac{1}{3}$$CVN. In this paper, it also provides the information of the specimens irradiated at 250$$^{circ}$$C and 350$$^{circ}$$C to about 2 dpa in the capsules of 04M-67A and 04M-68A of JMTR experiments.



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