Leakage rate test for reactor containment vessel of HTTR
Kondo, Masaaki; Sekita, Kenji; Emori, Koichi; Sakaba, Nariaki ; Kimishima, Satoru; Kuroha, Misao; Noji, Kiyoshi; Aono, Tetsuya; Hayakawa, Masato
The leakage rate test for the reactor containment vessel of HTTR is conducted in accordance with the absolute pressure method provided in Japan Electric Association Code(JEAC4203). Although leakage test of a reactor containment vessel is, in general, performed in condition of reactor coolant pressure boundary to be opened in order to simulate an accident, the peculiar test method to HTTR which use the helium gas as reactor coolant has been established, in which the pressure boundary is closed to avoid the release of fission products into the environment of the reactor containment vessel. The system for measuring and calculating the data for evaluating the leakage rate for containment vessel of HTTR was developed followed by any modifications. Recently, the system has been improved for more accurate and reliable one with any useful functions including real time monitoring any conditions related to the test. In addition, the configuration of containment vessel boundary for the test and the calibration method for the detectors for measuring temperature in containment vessel have been modified by reflecting the revision of the Code mentioned above. This report describes the method, system configuration, and procedures for the leakage rate test for reactor containment vessel of HTTR.