Study on assembly techniques and procedures for ITER tokamak device
小原 建治郎; 角舘 聡; 柴沼 清; 佐郷 ひろみ*; 上 弘一*; 清水 克祐*; 小野塚 正紀*
Obara, Kenjiro; Kakudate, Satoshi; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Sago, Hiromi*; Ue, Koichi*; Shimizu, Katsusuke*; Onozuka, Masanori*
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) tokamak is composed of many kinds of components. The dimensions and weight of the respective components are around a few ten-meters and several hundred-tons. In addition, the whole tokamak assembly, which are composed of these components, are roughly estimated, 26 m in diameter, 18 m in height and over 16,500 tons in total weight. On the other hand, as for positioning and assembly tolerances of these components are required to be a high accuracy of
3mm in spite of large size and heavy weight. The assembly procedures and techniques of the ITER tokamak are therefore studied, taking account of the tolerance requirements. Based on the above background, the assembly procedures and techniques, which are able to assemble the tokamak with high accuracy, are described in the present report. The following newly developed tokamak assembly procedures and techniques, jigs and tools for assembly and metrology concept based on the available knowledge and experiences of the installation of the large components, in order to improve the IT (International Team) design toward the more realistic one. As a result, we show the realistic tokamak assembly procedures and techniques to be able to assemble the large and heavy ITER tokamak with high accuracy. (1)Assembly and alignment of the toroidal field coil with high accuracy. (2)Simplification of the assembly procedures, and the jigs/tools and procedures to reduce the misalignment. (3)Assembly procedures and techniques for the vacuum vessel to reduce the weld distortion. (4)Supporting procedures and techniques of the vacuum vessel sector to prevent the toridal field coil from the deformation due to the dead weight of the vacuum vessel sector. (5)Datum points and lines for the required positions and assembly tolerances during tokamak assembly.