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Thermohydraulics numerical simulations and knowledge engineering methodologies in multi-disciplinary optimizations for fast breeder reactor designs

村松 壽晴

Muramatsu, Toshiharu


A multi-disciplinary optimization system with knowledge engineering methodologies was developed for the design of sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors (FBRs). Furthermore, to confirm the propriety and efficiency, the system was applied to a multi-disciplinary optimization problem for thermo-hydraulics and thermo-mechanics with six design variables and four response variables related to gas entrainment and thermal stratification phenomena. The above optimization results showed that the use of the system was practical. This system also has a sufficiently high potential when one wishes to optimize simultaneously thermo-hydraulics and thermo-mechanics in an FBR design process. Consequently, it was summarized that the multi-disciplinary optimization system developed in this study is applicable to actual multi-objectives optimization designs in engineering applications.



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