※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


MeV or higher energy ion microbeam technology and application

神谷 富裕

Kamiya, Tomihiro


Ion microbeam technology, in which the beam spot size and the irradiation position accuracy in the target are accurately controlled to 1 um level or it or less, has been advanced in the ion irradiation research facilities TIARA of JAEA Takasaki. Four microbeam systems of a light ion, a heavy ion, and a high energy heavy ion (collimating method and focusing method) have been produced, and the highly accurate beam control technology at micron level such as the local-area trace element analysis, the material micro fabrication, and the single ion hit technology, etc. has been established on these so far. The applied research to the biomedicine, the environmental science, the materials science, irradiation effects to the semiconductor, and the living cell has been progressed by cooperation with the researcher in the inside and outside of JAEA. This presentation reviews the development of microbeam forming techniques, the advanced techniques of microbeam analysis and the single ion hit, and the applied research using these microbeam techniques in TIARA.



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