※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

鉛ビスマス共晶合金(LBE)利用技術に関する研究,2; 高温酸素濃度制御下鉛ビスマス中のODS-Al鋼の耐食性に関する研究(共同研究)

Research work for utilizing technology of the lead-bismuth eutectic, 2; Research on corrosion resistance of ODS-Al steels in high temperature lead-bismuth eutectic under oxygen concentration control (Joint research)

古川 智弘  ; 西 義久*; 青砥 紀身 ; 木下 泉*

Furukawa, Tomohiro; Nishi, Yoshihisa*; Aoto, Kazumi; Kinoshita, Izumi*


In 2002, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (past organization name: Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute) was made a contract with the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry on the research work for utilizing technology of the lead bismuth eutectic. In the contract, research on corrosion of FBR materials in high temperature lead bismuth eutectic was performed. This work was composed of two stages. In the first stage, corrosion test of high chromium martensitic steel, which was one candidate material for structures of advanced fast reactor, was performed in oxygen controlled lead bismuth eutectic at 923K. Effect of chromium on corrosion in the lead bismuth eutectic was estimated. In this second research, corrosion test of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels whose chemical compositions of chromium and aluminum were differed has been performed in the lead bismuth eutectic for up to 4,000 hours. As the results, although chromium effect on corrosion has not been observed, good corrosion resistance by aluminum oxide formation on the surface has been obtained.



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