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Report No.

Oscillating inhibition methods of cryogenically-cooled monochromator on BL11XU at SPring-8

Kiriyama, Koji; Shiwaku, Hideaki   ; Mochizuki, Tetsuro*; Shobu, Takahisa  ; Tozawa, Kazukiyo*

Oscillating inhibition methods for mechanical vibrations on the cryogenically-cooled Si monochromator have been developed on BL11XU at SPring-8. The intensity fluctuation of the X-rays of the monochromator was observed. So, we need to identify the vibration sources and take countermeasures against the vibrations to keep quality of X-rays. In this study, the intensity fluctuation of the X-rays, vibrations larger than 1 Hz on the X-rays and the crystals was measured thoroughly. Without the oscillating inhibition methods, observed intensity fluctuation of X-rays was irregular in several minutes and uneven every second. Measured vibration frequencies were mainly 1$$sim$$10 Hz, $$sim$$20 Hz, $$sim$$55 Hz on X-rays, and were mainly 1$$sim$$10 Hz, $$sim$$30 Hz, and $$sim$$50 Hz on crystals. The countermeasures were found to be dramatically effective to restrain on the vibrations. As a result, the width of the intensity fluctuation with time decreased from 2.86 percent to 1.46 percent (std. deviation: 0.008302 to 0.004479) that means improving the stability of X-rays from monochromator. The oscillating inhibition methods in the present study on BL11XU at SPring-8 can be applied to the similar monochromator at the other beamlines.



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