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Report No.

Expression and preparation of the extra cellular region of receptors

Kuroki, Ryota; Honjo, Eijiro; Tamada, Taro

Silk worm expresssion system is the rapid system for several protein expressions developed by Katakura Industries company. We have used this system for test expression of the extracellular region of receptors. Every cDNA coding extracellular region of receptors were fused to the cDNA of Fc region of antibody, and cloned into the transfer vector and the vector was transformed into vacuro virus that can infect silk worm. So far, expression of 10 extracellular regions of menbrane proteins were tested using this system, all proteins were successfully expressed. Among these proteins, interleukin-13 receptor alpha 1 and 2, interluekin-4 receptor were purified from the silk worm and their functions were comfirmed.



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