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Development of RANNS code; A Trial for failure prediction

RANNSコードの開発; 破損予測の試み

鈴木 元衛

Suzuki, Motoe


The RANNS code has been developed for the analysis of LWR fuel rod behavior in accident conditions. Progress of analysis is described with test IDs of the NSRR experiments and main features of results. The present stage of model development is illustrated in a map, and a trial evaluation of failure condition is placed in the map as an approximate method prior to the failure prediction function which will be attained by introducing a microscopically designed failure criterion. In the trial evaluation, the stress intensity factor KI is estimated for an incipient crack which is generated in the outer region of cladding. This method is applied to the OI-11(high burnup PWR fuel) test in the NSRR, and temporal change of KI in plane strain condition is obtained from cladding geometry, predicted temperature and hoop stress, to determine an apparent critical KI (=KIC) value at the failure moment in the actual experiment. This KIC value is compared with the value obtained in the analysis of another PWR experiment. The result is that the analysis is consistent with the actual failure in terms of KIC value on the assumption that the incipient crack size is equal to the thickness of hydride rim region. Also, applying this method to the BWR cladding suggests that the size of hydride in BWR cladding is so large that the incipient crack size is to be set much larger than that of the PWR cladding. On these results, next step and perspectives are considered.



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