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Development of irradiated cladding stress-strain model for LWR fuel analysis code


太田 彰

Ota, Akira


The cladding stress-strain model is essential to analyze fuel behaviors in the anticipated transients or the accidents, and it becomes especially important for evaluating the high-burnup fuel under RIA condition. Recently the material property tests have been conducted for the fuels of burnup is up to 60 GWd/t (pellet). Using these data, a new model is investigated that is applicable to this data range and up to much higher burnup. To determine the strength coefficient, K, and the strain hardening exponent, n, describing plastic deformation, a least-square fit is performed. On this occasion, the existence of intermediate region is assumed between the elastic and plastic regions. From the fittings, following results have been obtained; the effect of irradiation on the n-value is insignificant in the data range of burnup= 26-58 GWd/t. The effect of irradiation on the K-value is also insignificant after burnup exceeds 20 GWd/t.



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