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Report No.

Evaluation of protection factors obtained by Mask-man test apparatus

Yoshitomi, Hiroshi   ; Pangsub, K.; Hoshi, Shintaro; Takahashi, Teruhiko; Shishido, Nobuhito; Onodera, Junichi 

Workers to put full-face mask have checked their protection factors (PFs) by mask-man test apparatus before their works in the Reactor Fuel Examination Facility (RFEF) of JAEA. Analyzing these data, we could fit the distribution of the PFs for the inexperienced workers to the hybrid lognormal distribution. On the other hand, those of the experienced workers could be fitted to the lognormal distribution whose average was about 3000. If the PF is less than 200, then the worker have to check his mask-fit and retry to measure. Taking into account of the result of the retrial, we could also fit them to the lognormal distribution whose average was about 2000 even in those of the inexperienced workers. Next, we tried to correlate PF with BMI (Body Mass Index) to evaluate the individual PFs easily. As a result, we obtained the correlation coefficient is 0.5. In conclusion, we can tentatively say that if the workers have considerable experience using mask-man test apparatus, to put full-face mask can prevent them from inhalation of the radioactive dust about 2000 times more, and moreover we can estimate the individual PFs from their BMIs to some extent.



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