Beam based alignment strategy for the group controlled magnets system
林 直樹
; Lee, S.*; 外山 毅*
Hayashi, Naoki; Lee, S.*; Toyama, Takeshi*
The beam based alignment of the beam position monitor (BPM) becomes an important tool to reduce the closed orbit distortion (COD) in the recent accelerator. Normally, it requires the independent control of the quadrupole field. Changing the current of a quadrupole magnet, one would find the unperturbed position. However, the J-PARC Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) has seven quadrupole families and only group of each family can be controlled simultaneously. There is neither separate power supplies nor auxiliary coil windings on each individual magnet. A similar alignment procedure is applicable for the coupled-controlled magnet system, but it becomes very complicated. For the simplest case, three magnets grouped together, four different beam orbits have to be measured at three different BPM locations. The method and some simulation results for J-PARC/RCS case will be presented in this report.