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Report No.

A Demonstration of advanced nuclear fuel cycle transparency concepts

Inoue, Naoko ; Irie, Tsutomu ; Kitabata, Takuya; Rochau, G.*; York, D.*; Mendez, C.*

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) have entered cooperative program, in 2005, to demonstrate a methodology capable assessing proliferation risk in support of overall plant transparency. Earlier, both organizations have preliminary discussion to develop the methodology. The Advanced Fuel Cycle Transparency Framework Concept is being implemented at the Fuel Handling Training Model designed for "Monju", prototype Fast Reactor at the International Nuclear Information and Training Center (ITC) of Tsuruga Head Office, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). "Monju" is fully automated facility and the training model reproducts the entire Monju fuel handling process. The training model is used to generate and transmit information to a secure database at ITC located by Monju site. A computer syncronized to the visible movements in the model mimicking process data supply data. The database is accessible to analyst at SNL via encryption and virtual private network (VPN). The data stream is fed into the "Transparency Software" for real time analysis when the model is being exeicised. "Transparency Software" is expected to monitor the information from the model and to calcurate the prolifearation risk by compared with expected values. This concept will be able to expamd the ability to enable effective transparency system in the aspect of safety and lagitmate use of nuclear material and technology, to contribute the transparency concept among international communities or between a state and IAEA, for the future nuclear fuel cycles. This paper will describe the concept, implememtation plan and status of the demonstration project, and progress toward the first demonstration of the system.



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