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Search for magnetic excitation spectra of Na$$_{x}$$CoO$$_{2}$$$$cdot$$$$_{y}$$D$$_{2}$$O; Neutron scattering

Moyoshi, Taketo*; Yasui, Yukio*; Soda, Minoru*; Kobayashi, Yoshiaki*; Sato, Masatoshi*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa

Neutron scattering investigations on single crystal Na$$_{x}$$CoO$$_{2}$$ y(D$$_{2}$$O) have been carried out. Strong 2-D diffuse scattering due to the short-range ordered state of D$$_{2}$$O molecules are observed. Significant scattering has been also observed for phonons originating from the vibrations of the short-range ordered D$$_{2}$$O molecules. No firm evidence for the magnetic fluctuations has been found for the hydrated superconducting component Na$$_{x}$$CoO$$_{2}$$ y(D$$_{2}$$O), while the very weak intensity modulation observed in the scans along (1/2,1/2,l) suggests the existence of the antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the non-hydrated parts of the sample.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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