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Report No.

Observation and analysis of the niobate nanosheet solution

Yamaguchi, Daisuke; Miyamoto, Nobuyoshi; Koizumi, Satoshi; Nakato, Teruyuki*; Hashimoto, Takeji

The exfoliated K$$_{4}$$Nb$$_{6}$$O$$_{17}$$ nanosheets in the aqueous solutions were observed by (ultra-) small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering (SANS, USANS and USAXS). A comprehensive measurement revealed the assembled structure of nanosheets in wide range of q, from 3$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$ nm$$^{-1}$$ to 1 nm$$^{-1}$$, where q is the magnitude of scattering vector. The details of liquid crystalline structure formed by [Nb$$_{6}$$O$$_{17}$$]$$^{4-}$$ nanosheets, which was reflected on the scattering at higher q region ($$>$$3$$times$$10$$^{-2}$$ (nm$$^{-1}$$)), largely depend on the nanosheet lateral dimension or its volume fraction. On the other hand, at lower q region ($$<$$1$$times$$10$$^{-2}$$ (nm$$^{-1}$$)), the scattering profile shows a power law scattering of which index is -2.5 regardless of the nanosheet lateral dimension or its volume fraction, suggesting that at large scale nanosheets take similar mass fractal distribution.



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