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Report No.

Research and development on system integration technology for connection of hydrogen production system to an HTGR

Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Ohashi, Hirofumi ; Inaba, Yoshitomo  ; Sato, Hiroyuki  ; Nishihara, Tetsuo ; Takeda, Tetsuaki; Hayashi, Koji; Ogawa, Masuro

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been promoting research and development on the hydrogen production technology with a high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) with a view to contributing to the global warming issue and hydrogen energy society in the near future. The system integration technology for connection of the hydrogen production system to HTGR is one of the key technologies to put hydrogen production with nuclear energy to commercial use. Research and development on the system integration technology have been carried out about four items, that is, (a) control technology to keep reactor operation against thermal disturbance caused by the hydrogen production system, (b) estimation of tritium permeation from reactor to hydrogen, (c) countermeasure against explosion and (d) development of high temperature valve to isolate reactor and hydrogen production systems in accidents. This report describes research activities on the system integration technology at JAEA.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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