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Report No.

Effect of truncation of electron velocity distribution on release of dust particle from plasma-facing wall

Tomita, Yukihiro*; Smirnov, R.*; Nakamura, Hiroaki*; Zhu, S.*; Takizuka, Tomonori; Tskhakaya, D.*

In the study of dust behavior in plasma it is usually assumed that plasma particles are Maxwell distributed. If the dust is located on the conducting wall, the surrounding particle distribution can significantly differ from the Maxwellian. In this work we study the effect of truncation of electron velocity distribution on release conditions of a spherical dust particle from a plasma-facing wall. The truncation effect enlarges the electric field at the wall compared compared to the Maxwellian. The stronger electric field at the wall makes the released region smaller when the gravitational force is directed from the wall.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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