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Report No.

Review of neutron cross-section evaluations for fission products

Oblozinsk$'y$, P.*; Herman, M.*; Mughabghab, S. F.*; Sirakov, I.*; Chang, J.*; Nakagawa, Tsuneo; Shibata, Keiichi; Kawai, Masayoshi*; Ignatyuk, A. V.*; Pronyaev, V. G.*; Zerkin, V.*; Shen, Q.*; Zhuang, Y.*

Review of neutron cross-section evaluations for fission products included in 5 major evaluated nuclear-data libralies was performed. The aim of the project, conducted under the WPEC Subgroup 21 during 2001-2004, was to prepare recommendations for best evaluations of nuclei in the range Z=1-68. Altogether, existing evaluations for 211 materials were reviewd, 7 new materials were added, and recommendations were prepared for 218 materials.



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