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Report No.

Separation of actinide elements by solvent extraction using centrifugal contactors in the NEXT process

Nakahara, Masaumi; Sano, Yuichi   ; Koma, Yoshikazu  ; Kamiya, Masayoshi ; Shibata, Atsuhiro  ; Koizumi, Tsutomu; Koyama, Tomozo

Actinides recovery was attempted by the simplified solvent extraction process using TBP as an extractant for U, Pu and Np co-recovery and the SETFICS process for Am and Cm recovery with a view to decreasing the environmental impact. Uranium, Pu and Np co-recovery was conducted under the condition with high nitric acid concentration in the feed solution or scrubbing solution. High nitric acid concentration in the feed solution availed to the Np oxidation not only in the feed solution, but also at the extraction section. This oxidation reaction permitted the Np extraction with U and Pu. In the SETFICS process, a TRUEX solvent of 0.2M CMPO/1.4M TBP was employed to increase the loading of metals. In place of sodium nitrate, HAN was applied to this experimental flow sheet for "salt-free" concept. This experiment was succeeded in Am and Cm product. On high-loading flow sheet, the flow rate of aqueous effluents and spent solvent was expected to decrease in 47% and 54%, respectively.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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