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Report No.

HTTR operation data base, 1; Outline and structure

Nojiri, Naoki ; Tochio, Daisuke ; Hamamoto, Shimpei  ; Umeda, Masayuki; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Iyoku, Tatsuo; Takeda, Tetsuaki

For the future HTGR development and the management of the High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR), the HTTR operation data base is constructed. The data base consists of the sorted or evaluated data based on the measured values from the HTTR's operation such as excess reactivity of the core, temperature at facilities of the core and the plant, impurity in coolant and so on. The data base also consists of some sub-databases which have objects related to the future HTGR development or the HTTR's operational management in order to manage the important operation data systematically on a long term. This paper describes the outline and structure of the HTTR operation data base. Also, as an example, some part of the HTTR common data-base, the HTTR nuclear characteristics data-base and the Helium purity control data-base are described.



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