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Report No.

Investigation of the long term corrosion resistance of the overpack (Contract research)

Tachikawa, Hirokazu*; Kawakubo, Fumie*; Shimizu, Akihiko*; Shibata, Toshio*; Sugimoto, Katsuhisa*; Seo, Masahiro*; Tsuru, Toru*; Fujimoto, Shinji*; Inoue, Hiroyuki*

The Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute submitted "Second Progress Report on Research and Development for the Geological Disposal of HLW in Japan" to the Japanese government. This report contains investigations of the corrosion life time of the overpack on the basis of experimental data and past research, assuming the ranging geological environment of Japan. However some subjects, such as the behavior of the overpack under high pH conditions and the behavior of the engineering barrier with change of near-field environmental condition with time for promoting reliability have still been left. To take into account these conditions, expert committee composed of metal corrosion science experts were established in the Nuclear Safety Research Association and past research outcomes and the theory of safety assessment were investigated from the view points of long term stability and corrosion resistance of engineering barrier.



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