Development of a new fuel handling machine suitable for an upper inner structure with a slit; The Performance test of a large-sized bearing in Argon gas atmosphere
Chikazawa, Yoshitaka
; Usui, Shinichi; Hayafune, Hiroki; Konomura, Mamoru
In Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Breeder Reactor Cycle Systems, Large and Middle scale sodium cooled reactors which have an upper inner structure (UIS) with a slit have been studied for the size reduction of reactor structure. A new fuel handling machine (FHM) which is suitable for the UIS with a slit has been developed in this study. The FHM is required not to contact to UIS under the earthquake condition when its arm is extended into the slit. In the previous study, it is confirmed that the reduction of clearance in bearing of FHM is effective to reduce the deflection of FHM unit. But the general lubricant such as grease can not be used for the bearing because that of FHM will be set in argon gas atmosphere of the reactor vessel. In FY2005, the performance test of large-sized bearing with the selected lubrication specification has been performed in the high temperature argon gas atmosphere.