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Report No.

Experimental investigation of melting treatment of nonflammable solid wastes in a canister with a high-frequency induction furnace

Ozawa, Tatsuya; Miyamoto, Yasuaki ; Suto, Makoto; Aoyama, Yoshio ; Yamaguchi, Hiromi 

Melting treatment is one of the volume reduction processes for nonflammable radioactive solid wastes. Though it is applied to the volume reduction process for the low-level radioactive wastes generated at nuclear power plants, it still has technical problems to be solved. The results of our previous investigation of existing melting treatment facilities and conceptual design of the melting treatment system for transuranic waste, made these technical problems clear. To solve them, we have been carrying out the experiments of melting treatment of the simulated transuranic wastes which are nonflammable solid wastes. This report describes the progress in investigating these problems, as well as the results of recent experiments.



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