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Report No.

Development of a tracking method for augmented reality applied to NPP maintenance work and its experimental evaluation

Bian, Z.*; Ishii, Hirotake*; Shimoda, Hiroshi*; Yoshikawa, Hidekazu*; Morishita, Yoshitsugu ; Kanehira, Yoshiki; Izumi, Masanori 

This study designed linecode marker, a new type of paper-based marker and proposed recognition, tracking algorithm for it in order to resolve these problems. In comparison of the conventional paper-based markers, such as square markers, circle markers, the linecode marker is not only just easier to set up in complex industrial environment, but also makes it possible to use AR in industrial plant. In order to evaluate the tracking accuracy, trackable distance of the proposed tracking method, an evaluation experiment was conducted in a large room. The experiment results show that: comparing with traditional marker-based tracking method, tracking possible distance extends extremely; tracking accuracy improved to a level of 20cm in 10m distance.



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Category:Computer Science, Information Systems



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