※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Field-induced chiral order in three-leg frustrated spin tube


佐藤 正寛

Sato, Masahiro


We study the ground state and the low-energy properties of a three-leg frustrated spin tube near the saturation, applying the spin-wave analysis and numerical exact diagonalization method. We show that a vector chiral order occurs in a sufficiently weak interchain-coupling regime. In this chiral phase, the low-energy physics is expected to belong to Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) universality. On the other hand, for the strong interchain-coupling case, it is predicted that the chiral order vanishes, and a one or two-component TLL appears instead. In this conference, I explain these theoretical results. Furthermore, a related spin tube material $$rm [(CuCl_2tachH)_3Cl]Cl_2$$ will also be discussed.



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