※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Chemical reaction at specific sites and reaction-induced self-assembly; Enzymatic polymerization of cellulose as a problem in open-nonequilibrium phenomena

特異な場での化学反応と反応誘起自己秩序か; 非平衡開放系の現象の一問題としてのセルロース酵素重合

橋本 竹治; 田中 宏和*; 小泉 智; 黒崎 一裕*; 小林 四郎*

Hashimoto, Takeji; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Koizumi, Satoshi; Kurosaki, Kazuhiro*; Kobayashi, Shiro*


In this work we prepared separately two stable solutions A and B, as will be detailed below. Mixing the two solutions provides energy required for the enzymatic polymerization reaction and the reaction-induced self-assembly. In this sense our system is considered to belong to an open non-equilibrium system. We especially focus on self-assembling processes, mechanisms, and structures in mesoscopic scale, because they have not been well explored, despites its general importance for understanding pattern formation in nature, including biological systems.



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