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Report No.

Pressure-induced site-selective disordering of Ge$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$Te$$_{5}$$; A New insight into phase-change optical recording

Kolobov, A.*; Haines, J.*; Pradel, A.*; Ribes, M.*; Fons, P.*; Tominaga, Junji*; Katayama, Yoshinori; Hammounda, T.*; Uruga, Tomoya*

We demonstrate that Ge$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$Te$$_{5}$$ (GST), the material of choice in phase-change optical recording (such as DVD-RAM) can be rendered amorphous by the application of hydrostatic pressure. It is argued that this structural change is due to a very strong second-nearest neighbor Te-Te interaction that determines the long-range order in the metastable cubic phase of GST and also to the presence of vacancies. This newly discovered phenomenon suggests that pressure is an important factor for the formation of the amorphous phase which opens new insight into the mechanism of phase-change optical recording.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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