Operating experiences since rise-to-power test in High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR)
Tochio, Daisuke
; Watanabe, Shuji; Motegi, Toshihiro; Kawano, Shuichi; Kameyama, Yasuhiko; Sekita, Kenji; Kawasaki, Kozo
The rise-to-power test of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) was begun in April 2000. The reactor thermal power of 30 MW, which is the maximum thermal power of the HTTR, and the reactor outlet coolant temperature of 850
C in normal operation was achieved in middle of December 2001. After that reactor thermal power of 30 MW a reactor outlet coolant temperature of 950
C was achieved in the final rise-to-power test at April 2004. After receiving the operation permit, the safety demonstration tests were conducted to demonstrate inherent safety features of the HTGRs. This paper summarizes the HTTR operating experiences for five years since rise-to-power test that were catalogued into three categories, (1) Operating experience pertaining to new gas cooled reactor design, (2) Operating experience for improvement of the performance, (3) Operating experience due to fail of system and components.