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Report No.

Effect of Hund's rule coupling on SU(4) spin-orbital system

Onishi, Hiroaki  ; Hotta, Takashi

By using a density-matrix renormalization group method, we analyze a one-dimensional spin-orbital model, which is derived from an SU(4) symmetric Hubbard model perturbed by the Hund's rule coupling $$J$$. At $$J$$=0, both spin and orbital correlations have a peak at $$q$$=$$pi$$/2 in the ground state due to the SU(4) singlet state with a four-site periodicity. On the other hand, for large values of the Hund's rule coupling, it is found that the peak position of orbital correlation changes to $$q$$=$$pi$$, while that of spin correlation remains at $$q$$=$$pi$$/2.



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