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Report No.

Real-time stress analysis of low-temperature Ge nanodot growth on H-terminated Si(111)-1$$times$$1 and Si(111)-7$$times$$7 surfaces

Asaoka, Hidehito  ; Yamazaki, Tatsuya; Shamoto, Shinichi  

Control of intrinsic stress in heteroepitaxial films is one of the most important challenges in modern nanotechnology. We have focused on the stress evolution during the initial growth stage of Ge epitaxial films in the thickness range of a few atomic layers on Si(111)-7$$times$$7 and H-terminat ed Si(111)-1$$times$$1 surfaces. The stress/strain behavior and surface morphology were observed simultaneously by using real-time measurement of substrate curvature and reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) methods. Furthermore, as confirmed by using the structural results from scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) measurement, it provided direct information on the onset and thickness range of the nanodot growth.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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