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Report No.

Solidus and liquidus of plutonium and uranium mixed oxide

Kato, Masato   ; Morimoto, Kyoichi ; Sugata, Hiromasa*; Konashi, Kenji*; Kashimura, Motoaki; Abe, Tomoyuki

Plutonium and uranium mixed oxide has been developed as a fuel of a fast reactor. The maximum temperature of the fuel pellet is limited within a design criterion to prevent fuel melting. So, the melting points of the mixed oxide have been investigated since the development of fast reactor started. However the measured data are limited. In this work, the melting points of (U1-yPuy)O$$_{2-x}$$ (y: 0, 0.12, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) were measured by the thermal arrest method. The evaluated melting point of this study underestimates in case of MOX with high Pu contents of 30% and 40%. The solidus of UO$$_{2}$$, (Pu$$_{0.12}$$U$$_{0.88}$$)O$$_{2.00}$$ and (Pu$$_{0.2}$$U$$_{0.8}$$)O$$_{2.00}$$ were determined to be 3128K, 3077K and 3052K, respectively. The solidus temperature of hypostoichiometric MOX slightly increased with decreasing O/M.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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