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Radiation safety at J-PARC


中島 宏; 柴田 徳思; 澤畠 啓; 宮本 幸博  ; 中根 佳弘  ; 増川 史洋  ; 関 一成; 佐藤 浩一 ; 小栗 朋美*; 平山 英夫*; 鈴木 健訓*; 三浦 太一*; 佐々木 慎一*; 沼尻 正晴*; 中尾 徳晶*; 齋藤 究*

Nakashima, Hiroshi; Shibata, Tokushi; Sawahata, Kei; Miyamoto, Yukihiro; Nakane, Yoshihiro; Masukawa, Fumihiro; Seki, Kazunari; Sato, Koichi; Oguri, Tomomi*; Hirayama, Hideo*; Suzuki, Takenori*; Miura, Taichi*; Sasaki, Shinichi*; Numajiri, Masaharu*; Nakao, Noriaki*; Saito, Kiwamu*


Aiming at studies on the latest basic science and the advancing nuclear technology, the J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) project is in progress, and the high-energy proton accelerator complex of the world highest intensity is under construction. Because of its very high beam power and its energy as well as the large-scale accelerator complex, we have encountered some difficult radiation problems in the radiation safety design. This paper reviews the radiation safety policy and methods for the design to overcome the problems on the radiation safety and the status of the radiation safety estimation for licensing of J-PARC.



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