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Report No.

X-ray diffuse scattering from carbon-ion-irradiated diamond

Sugai, Hiroyuki; Maeta, Hiroshi*; Matsumoto, Norimasa*; Kato, Teruo; Haruna, Katsuji*; Sataka, Masao; Ono, Fumihisa*

The synthetic semiconductor diamond is potentially one of the best materials for electronic devices in severe environments like high temperature and radiation. We have studied the electrical transport properties of boron-doped synthetic semiconductor diamond and characterized natural and synthetic single crystal diamonds by measurements of the X-ray integrated scattering intensity, lattice parameter and diffuse scattering. The synthetic diamond were irradiated with 100 MeV carbon-ion at Tandem accelerator in JAEA-Tokai. After the irradiation, measurements of lattice parameters X-ray diffuse scattering were made at room temperature. The lattice parameters increased with ion fluence. The scattering intensity of the irradiated synthetic diamond diffuses asymmetrically to form a streak along the [-1 0 0] direction parallel to the reciprocal lattice vector. The result suggests that interstitial atoms and vacancies aggregate to form dislocation loop on the (100) plane.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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