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 年 ~ 

Crystal nucleation behavior caused by annealing of SiC irradiated with Ne at liquid nitrogen temperature or at 573K


相原 純 ; 北條 喜一; 古野 茂実*; 北條 智博; 沢 和弘; 山本 博之; 本橋 嘉信*

Aihara, Jun; Hojo, Kiichi; Furuno, Shigemi*; Hojo, Tomohiro; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Yamamoto, Hiroyuki; Motohashi, Yoshinobu*


Silicon carbide(SiC) TEM specimens were annealed, in-situ, at 1273K for 30 minutes after amorphization with 30keV Ne$$^{+}$$ irradiation to the fluence of 1.9 or 2.3$$times$$10$$^{20}$$Ne$$^{+}$$/m$$^{2}$$ at 573K or about 98K. The crystal nucleation and bubble coalescence accompanied by recrystallization were observed in both specimens with the annealing after the irradiations. 2.3$$times$$10$$^{20}$$Ne$$^{+}$$/m$$^{2}$$ irradiations in both specimens. The Debye-Sherrer rings of the nucleated crystals well fitted the net pattern of the matrix, even though no ring corresponding to (200) of $$beta$$-SiC appeared. Dependence of the crystal nucleation behavior on irradiation temperature was not observed within the present experimental range.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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