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Report No.

Edge localized modes; Recent experimental findings and related issues

Kamiya, Kensaku; Asakura, Nobuyuki; Boedo, J. A.*; Eich, T.*; Federici, G.*; Fenstermacher, M.*; Finken, K.*; Herrmann, A.*; Terry, J.*; Kirk, A.*; Koch, J.*; Loarte, A.*; Maingi, R.*; Maqueda, R.*; Nardon, E.*; Oyama, Naoyuki; Sartori, R.*

Edge Localized Mode (ELM) measurements in the tokamaks, including JT-60U, DIII-D, ASDEX-U and JET, are reviewed. The followings are outlines of this presentation. (1) ELM Types and basic scaling, (2) Small ELM regimes and ELM mitigation, (3) ELM filament formation and transverse motion, (4) Power deposition on divertor targets and main chamber wall.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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