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Experience on return of research reactor spent fuels in Japan


佐川 尚司; 国府田 信之 ; 塙 信広; 丸尾 毅; 宮澤 正孝; 宇根崎 博信*; 中込 良廣*

Sagawa, Hisashi; Koda, Nobuyuki; Hanawa, Nobuhiro; Maruo, Takeshi; Miyazawa, Masataka; Unesaki, Hironobu*; Nakagome, Yoshihiro*


In Japan, 1,712 of Research Reactor Spent Nuclear fuels (RRSNFs) have been transported to the US successfully since the receipt in accordance with the foreign research reactor spent nuclear fuel acceptance policy started in 1996. Especially, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) carried out shipment to the US of eight times and of 1,283 fuel elements in total. This paper describes experiences of RRSNF transportation to the US in Japan.



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