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Report No.

Development of resonance ionization mass spectrometry for calcium radioisotope in nuclear waste materials

Miyabe, Masabumi   ; Oba, Masaki ; Kato, Masaaki; Wakaida, Ikuo  ; Watanabe, Kazuo

We have been developing a continuous-wave resonance ionization mass spectrometry (cw-RIMS) apparatus aiming at an analysis of $$^{41}$$Ca radioisotope in nuclear waste materials. The optimum three-step ionization schemes of Ca were investigated and the 4snf (1F3) series members of around n=35 were found to have high isotope-selectivity and efficiency under our experimental conditions. The background noise arising from the thermal ions were negligible at a furnace current of $$<$$1500K. On the basis of these results the abundance sensitivity of 8$$times$$10$$^{-8}$$ was demonstrated for $$^{46}$$Ca. Also we extended data on isotope shift and hyperfine structure of 4snf (1F3) series up to n=80.



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