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Report No.

Hydrochemical changes associated with construction of a large underground facility

Iwatsuki, Teruki  ; Amano, Yuki   ; Ioka, Seiichiro; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Takeuchi, Ryuji  

Hydrochemical changes of the groundwater in sedimentary rocks were observed during construction of the Mizunami Underground Laboratory. The observation of hydraulic head and groundwater chemistry indicates that rock formations with low hydraulic conductivity act as barriers to hydraulic disturbances, while higher conductivity zones provide a preferential flow path. Groundwater flow to the drifts creates chemical changes by mixing among chemically different groundwaters. It is therefore meaningful to monitor the water pressure and chemistry at highly conductive rock formations during construction and operation of underground facilities. Pre-construction investigations to determine the geology, hydraulic conductivity and baseline hydrochemistry are essential for understanding the disturbance around the underground facility caused by construction. An approximate four month interruption in pumping allowed the underground workings to temporarily fill with groundwater.



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